Insurance tips

Auto Insurance Tips

If your vehicle is damaged in an collision, want it repaired and back on the road as soon as possible. You paid premium price for your insurance policy and that includes the rights that came along with it.
Knowing your options when choosing a collision repair shop may help get your vehicle repaired properly and back to it’s pre-accident condition. Don’t let anyone take that away if you are misinformed.

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Stop at once. Report the accident to the nearest police station.

See if anyone is injured. If injuries appear serious, call an ambulance. If you are hurt, seek treatment immediately.

Write or record a complete description of the accident as soon as possible.

Submit required accident reports to the proper authorities.

Call your insurance company to report a claim.

Your Are Not Required To:

Give a signed statement to the claims adjuster representing the other driver’s insurance company.

Obtain more than one estimate.

Take your car to a shop specified by your insurance agent, or to any drive–in claims center for an inspection

Accept a check for repair of your car until you are confident that it covers all necessary repairs.

Sign an insurance company release until every repair has been completed to your satisfaction.

If your vehicle is damaged in an accident you have the right to:

Choose Your Own Body Shop

Have your car towed to the shop of your choice. Don’t let your insurance company specify a shop so they can receive a discount on your repairs. Call your insurance company and advise them of your vehicle’s location. Let your body shop go over the damage with your insurance company representative.

Have Your Car Restored to Pre-accident Condition

Your car should look and perform the way it did before the accident. Even minor cosmetic damage should also be repaired at this time. Every little nick or chip can lead to rust damage later and will deduct from the value of your car.

Genuine Replacement Parts

Your car should look and perform the way it did before the accident. Even minor cosmetic damage should also be repaired at this time. Every little nick or chip can lead to rust damage later and will deduct from the value of your car. If the insurance company insists on imitation parts, ask for proof that they are equal to genuine parts in terms of fit, finish and corrosion protection. In making your final decision of which parts to use, consider the hidden cost of future repairs, reduced resale value, and the possible risk to passenger safety which you may have to face one day.

Schedule an appointment or stop by our shop in Tacoma, contact us online, or give us a call for any question you might have about the insurance claims process and how we can help.